1. What was my craziest memory? Telling the vice principal to go f*** off because I was wearing a t-shirt that showed my stomach by the littlest bit and I got sent to the advisers office but there was a girl that walked by with a cleavage popping vest. I ended up getting suspended and on my first day back I wore the same shirt again. The vice principal came over to talk to me again and I ran away and ended up getting the cops after me, but what they didn't know was that that shirt was reversible. So they were looking for a blonde girl in a blue T-shirt, but I had flipped it to the green side... And I walked back into school and no one even knew until lunch when the vice principal came over and made me apologize.
2. What was my favorite grade and why? My favorite grade was 12th, by this time I had figured out who my true friends were and was becoming more OK with myself so I didn’t have all that high school drama.
3. Did I have a high school sweet heart? Yes, I am still with him as well.. We started dating our senior year.
4. If I could go back and change something about my high school experience, what would it be and why? I would change the fact that I always let people opinions of me control me and control how I acted. I was never really true to myself. I would also change how I never really cared about my grades or college test scores. It really hurt me later, to this day I am unable to get into most colleges I want to go to because of that. I feel like I have to settle for less when I want so much more.
5. What cliques I was in or wish I had been in? I wasn’t really in a clique, I hung out with anyone and it’s because of this that I did make some really good friends. I never wanted to judge people by their appearance or let other peoples opinions of them make me not want to be friends with them.
6. Was I in it for the grades or for the fun? Honestly I wanted to drop out as soon as I turned 16, I had fun but my home life wasn’t that great and I was always put into remedial classes because I stutter, this made me think that I was stupid and then I really never wanted to be there. I guess my reason for being there was to prove to myself that I could finish something even when everything and everyone was rooting against me.
7. Sports? I had always wanted to be in sports but I never really was. I would go to “tryouts” and then get scared and leave. I did dance outside of school and that became enough for me.
8. Was I in clubs or activities? I was a stagehand for all the musicals, plays and concerts. This was my favorite period/ activity. We made sets and backdrops for all the productions. We also ran all the audio, lights and changed the sets for each scene. I also did the make-up for the cast members for a lot of the productions. One other activity I did was I was in pep club, to “pep” you for cheerleading, I never wanted to be a cheerleader, I just enjoyed dancing at all the football games and pep rallies.
9. Am I glad to be out of high school? I miss the social aspect because I really don’t have very many friends now but I am glad that that period of my life is behind me.
10. Am I happier as an adult or as a teenager in high school? As a teenager you don’t have as many responsibilities but I am enjoying being an adult more. I feel in high school everyone is judging you and as an adult you don’t have all that drama and you have more freedom to roam.
11. What was your favorite band in High School? I listened to a lot of different types of music and even to this day I still do. Back then I was really into pop punk so I constantly listened to bands like Simple Plan, Motion City Soundtrack and Saving Jane. But I do believe that my favorite band back then was Papa Roach.
12. Ever bullied? I think everyone can say that at some point in their lives they were bullied so, yes. The sad part is that I was always bullied by the people that were closest to me. Many of my girl friends knew my weaknesses and used them against me. I was and will probably always be self conscious about my weight and overall appearance so they used to always tell me that I was fat and to go starve myself. I used to not eat very much all day, I'm actually surprised I wasn't skinnier back then. One of the worst moments of this was when I was heading to class after lunch and I of course never ate anything and when I got to my class I got really dizzy and almost passed out. My teacher gave me food and told me to put my head between my legs until I started to feel better. It took a while but I did start to feel better. After that day I always made a habit of eating lunch in her classroom because I knew that she wouldn't judge me. She would just be happy that I was actually eating. I remember seeing her again after I wasn't in her class anymore and she would always smile and me and say "You look good. Keep it up.."
13. Would you do High School over again? Yes, but only if I knew what I know now. Otherwise no.
14. Favorite memory? Dancing with the nerdiest most disliked boy in school because everyone deserves to feel special and not alone. I got made fun of for weeks afterward but I wouldn't change it for anything. It was awkward and I got my feet stepped on but I am glad to say that he was my first official slow dance. <3
15. What were you obsessed with in High School? I was absolutely obsessed with trying to be liked and it was just never worth in in the end.
<3 MandAnna--------
No feelings were hurt in the making of this blog post.